The 2024 Senior Class Graduation Party will be on June 1, 2024 at 8:00 pm.
We have one last big fundraising event happening this Spring and if you would like to be a part of it please come to our next meeting or send us an email for more information!
Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month
at the Community Center at 6:00. Join Us!

Safe and Sober 2024
The proud graduates of Lewiston High school and Tammany High school will gather one last time to commemorate a significant milestone in their lives! Safe and Sober is an exclusive way to celebrate their accomplishments in a safe and substance-free way!!. It builds a spirit of togetherness among the graduates as they celebrate with friends for one last time. A sense of community and success is developed amongst Lewiston and Tammany High School parents as everyone works to keep the graduates entertained and safe. We always need volunteers to help us out on committees or on the night of the event. For more volunteer information please join our Facebook and Instagram page to keep up to date on all fundraising opportunities. You can also email us for more questions at 20lhssafeandsober@gmail.com